Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Are You Putting In Your Head?

Who are you when it all starts to fall apart? When the stress of work, marriage, parenting, or life in general starts to get to you, what kind of person do you become? When you feel like you can’t do it anymore, but you know you have to, what resources do you have to draw from?

It is at these times that truly test us that we find out who we truly are. It’s at these times that the choices we have made throughout our lives push us to succeed, or allow us to fail. At these times it is what we have been putting in our heads that comes back out in our actions and attitudes.

When you are faced with a new or difficult task, does your head fill with thoughts of “I can’t do this”, “I’m not good enough”, or “why me”? Or do you rise to the occasion and fill yourself with ideas like “it will be tough, but I can do it”, and “this will stretch me and make me stronger”?

When faced with adversity in life, do you turn to unhealthy coping skills like overeating and drinking alcohol; or do you look at the adversity as an opportunity, and seek out ways to conquer it?

Do you seek out chances to learn and expand yourself through travel, experience, education, reading, and socializing; or do you spend your time in front of the computer following friends Mafias and Farms, or surfing for the newest gossip on the latest celebrity to self-destruct?

When you have time for leisure, do you spend your days in front of the tv watching the latest adult cartoons, catching the entire 6-8 hours of the Cubs double-header, or playing 12-14 hours of video games; or do relax with the Discovery Channel and History Channel, or try to engage in some kind of physical activity to improve your health?

The choices we make, from the most major life decisions to what eat and how we relax shape and craft our lives. The choices we make, what we put in our heads, BECOMES our life, and creates our existence.

I don’t have it all figured out yet. I can easily lose myself in a mind-numbing tv show, or shoot-‘em-up video game for an hour or two. But I’m learning. The first time I woke up from a Facebook induced coma and realized an hour had disappeared, I knew it was time to make some changes. I started making different choices.

The great thing is, you can to. If your unhappy or frustrated with where things are going in life; sometimes, it can really be as easy as making some different choices. First start with the little ones, like what you are putting in your head, from there the bigger choices get a little bit easier.

Art credit: Luke B. Dunscombe


Anonymous said...

I've tried to become extra mindful of myself when over-worked, stressed out, or about to say something I know I'll regret. One barometer that has helped is to ask myself if I would be satisfied if my child, my friends, and my clients saw me react in a hasty way. That usually snaps me out of the temptation to lose sight...

Not that this is always an easy choice, mind you--but the high road, or the more productive road is just healthier:).

Anonymous said...

I've tried to become extra mindful of myself when over-worked, stressed out, or about to say something I know I'll regret. One barometer that has helped is to ask myself if I would be satisfied if my child, my friends, and my clients saw me react in a hasty way. That usually snaps me out of the temptation to lose sight...

Not that this is always an easy choice, mind you--but the high road, or the more productive road is just healthier:).

Irene Hansen Savarese said...

It helps to know that I have a choice of how to react in stressful situations. I try to do my best and appreciate best effort and not listen to overcritical remarks from self and others.
There is a lot of distractions in life to get caught up in. Having goals and surrounding myself with supportive people helps me find my way.
Thanks for a great post!